Jewish Family Services (JFS) is a social work and counseling agency dedicated to providing a full range of services to the Jewish Community. JFS is committed to preserving, strengthening, and enhancing the quality of life for Jewish individuals and families. In response to those in need, Jewish Family Services provides a continuum of professional services in a supportive and confidential environment. Members of the community in crises or struggling under the pressure of normal life transitions receive private, professional and caring attention.
The counseling component of the agency includes a Children's Services Program (ages 0-18), a Family Services Program (ages 18-+59), and an Older Adult Services Program (ages 60+). Within each of the counseling programs, Clients are seen in the office for individual, family, or group therapy sessions.
In addition to its counseling component, JFS also provides Community Consultation and Assistance (Information and Referral/Social Service Assistance). This includes maintenance of Job Bank Resources, Scholarship Resources, Aging/Caregiving Resources, and referral to other community agencies.
Professional staff of the agency also provide screening and evaluation for emergency financial assistance through the Community Tzedakah Fund (Emergency loans for needy local families) and Scholarship Applications for college loans under the Jewish Education Loan Fund:,
JFS also has a Volunteer Program (Mitzvah Maker Program), offering a vast scope of services to clients in need of companionship and transportation/errand assistance.
JFS is a beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte. In keeping with social work ethics regarding confidentiality, all record keeping and financial information are maintained exclusively with Jewish Family Services. JFS charges for counseling services based on a sliding payment scale. JFS also accepts Medicare and insurance. No one is denied service for an inability to pay. Information/Referral Services, emergency financial assistance, and Volunteer Services are provided without charge.