Temple Solel is a warm and inclusive congregation of individuals and families who embrace Judaism through worship and learning in a supportive spiritual atmosphere. We are affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).
Our activities maintain the spirit of Reform Judaism and support spiritual growth by blending tradition with living Jewishly in today's world. We build ties to the greater community through social action and tikkun olam.
Temple Solel holds regular Shabbat services at 7pm on the second and fourth Fridays of each month via Zoom during the pandemic and hopes to resume services when appropriate at Belair UMC Family Life Center, 8095 Shelley Mullis Rd., Fort Mill, SC 29707. For more information, see www.TempleSolelSC.org, join us on facebook, write to us at info@templesolelSC.org or call 803-610-1707.