
16 2022

Second Night Seder for Families with Young Children


Temple Beth El
Charlotte, NC


Contact Madeli Risco

$ Cost $ 0.00

Your family is warmly invited to join Temple Beth El and The Porch Families with Young Children Seder, geared toward families with kids (infants through second grade). We will sing and laugh our way through a fun and kid-friendly Seder meal.

The menu will include: matzah ball soup, roasted chicken, tzimmes, a green vegetable, salad, dessert, white grape juice, water, and coffee.

Grandparents and other loved ones are welcome to join.

Please feel free to BYO wine to share.

Register by Wednesday, April 13

Everyone attending is required to follow Temple Beth El’s COVID-19 Policies.

Chopped Liver is now available to order by the pound.